What is holding you back from changing?

Have you got back into work after the Christmas break and feeling you wanted a change?  During the break did you you rediscover yourself under the layers of stress and exhaustion?  Did you dream of the new job, change in responsibility, improved work relationships?  But if only it was as easy as day dreaming - rather …

The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

Many people I work with find it difficult at times to create accountability in their teams and this often either leads to conflict, micro-management or refusing to delegate work in the future.  Accountability isn't talked about enough within teams or training.  If you are struggling with establishing and maintaining accountability try reading this super HBR …

Feel the fear…

We humans like to think we are super rational and our behaviour is really pretty sensible and pretty reasonable.  Does that ring true? Unfortunately, in the last few years research has shown that we are less logical that we'd like to think and that more of our responses are automatic rather than carefully planned.  Often …